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Special tuition financing program for students in undergraduate ( in-person and distance learning) and grant-funded graduate programs.



funding for


The students of in-person modality undergraduate, distance learning and subsidized graduate programs of the Universidad Industrial de Santander may pay their enrollment fees in deferred installments within the same semester using the institutional policy of the special tuition financing program for students of subsidized undergraduate and graduate programs, approved by Superior Council Agreement No. 002 of January 30, 2023.



To finance the payment of the enrollment fees of students in funded undergraduate and graduate programs offered at the Central Campus in Bucaramanga and its regional Campuses.

Undergraduate Programs

These are those undergraduate programs that allow students to obtain a professional degree through the fulfillment of the requirements established by the university.

Funded Postgraduate Programs

These are those postgraduate academic programs in research, whose direct and indirect costs and expenses are covered both by the contributions made by the UIS, according to the availability of financial resources, and by the income from enrollment, tuition, academic and university welfare fees paid by applicants and students.

Duration of


The payment of semester fees for in-person and distance learning undergraduate and funded postgraduate programs can be paid up to a maximum of four (4) installments within the same semester.



The value of the accrued interest generated by the credit operation will be fully subsidized by the UIS, with an interest rate agreed through an agreement between UIS – Financiera Comultrasan, for the financing of student enrollment in undergraduate and graduate subsidized programs. That means that the current interest of the loan is paid by the UIS, as long as it does not exceed the maximum number of established installments: four (4) within the same semester, which means that the student pays only the value of the tuition divided into installments, maximum four.



Late payment interest due to delay or default in the payment of the agreed or agreed installments in the execution of the loan must be assumed directly by the student.



In order to apply for this alternative of financing the tuition settlement value within the framework of the institutional policy, it must be taken into account that:

  1. The student must go in-person to one of the branches of Cooperativa Financiera Comultrasan to complete the process.
  2. A copy of the student’s identity document must be brought along with a copy of the co-signer’s or contributor’s identity document.
  3. The student must bring a valid receipt of payment of tuition at the date of disbursement of the credit.

Disclaimer: Students interested in accessing this financing strategy with Cooperativa Financiera Comultrasan must make the required arrangements with sufficient time to allow the allied entity to execute the respective credit study and corresponding disbursement.

In addition to the above, it is important to note that the credit study is free of charge and quickly approved by the cooperative.



Finally, it should be clarified that this special funding program does not contemplate payments for the concept of:
  1. Enrollment fees for self-funded postgraduate programs
  2. Fees for gradution rights
  3. Payments for health services
  4. Complementary programs such as non-formal courses and/or diploma programs
  5. Introductory level courses at the Regional Campuses
  6. Payments for enrollment or admission processes
  7. Vacation or intersemester courses of subjects
  8. Advanced course of studies
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